Connecting with Nature, watercolor paintings by Jannebeth Röell
Jannebeth Röell says that during this turbulent time, she has felt a deepened connection with the beauty of Nature and wants to be its humble student. More than ever, she is feeling the light and the life of it.
After many years in the nursing profession in the Netherlands, Jannebeth attended art school in California. She missed the human connection she had with people as a nurse and decided to re-discover it by offering art classes. These days, Jannebeth loves to be outside painting in Nature, especially early in the morning. She says that in Nature, there is so much to experience and that the same thing never looks the same way twice. Jannebeth is a member of The New Five Collective, a group of women dedicated to bringing spirit into matter, celebrating the joy of life together, and collectively holding hope for all living beings.
See more of Jannebeth Röell art HERE
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Study #1, Jannebeth Röell, 14 x 11” watercolor
Study #2, Jannebeth Röell, 14 x 11” watercolor
Study #3, Jannebeth Röell, 14 x 11” watercolor
Study #4, Jannebeth Röell, 14 x 11” watercolor